Written and directed by director Matthew Rankin, the comedy presents a Persian-language-inflected Canada, getting at timely ...
Director Matthew Rankin ’s odyssey through a Winnipeg dotted with homages to Iranian film history — and featuring the coziest ...
Both a valentine to Iranian cinema and an absurdist look at Winnipeg, Canadian filmmaker Matthew Rankin's comedy is ...
We look at "Universal Language," a new movie that follows three storylines in a city that is a cross between Winnipeg and ...
Using real stories from the filmmaker’s life, he and his Iranian co-writers Ila Firouzabad and Pirouz Nemati create a world ...
His “Universal Language” takes place in Winnipeg, Manitoba, but the culture is entirely Iranian. Farsi is the spoken tongue.
Director Matthew Rankin's dry, eccentric charmer features a man who sings to his turkey and something called the Winnepeg ...
This time of year, we find ourselves in a lame-duck period on the movie calendar, with much of Hollywood’s energy directed ...
A lightly satirical and surrealist comedy imagines the snowy Canadian city in the style of the Iranian New Wave.
Matthew Rankin, though, has gone more than a step, or maybe 85 steps, further. His “Universal Language” takes place in Winnipeg, Manitoba, but the culture is entirely Iranian. Farsi is the ...