The nutcracker phenomenon results from a rare anatomic abnormality where the left renal vein (LRV) is compressed by the aorta and superior mesenteric artery. Nutcracker syndrome (NCS) is defined by ...
Marathon running or other forms of strenuous exercise have been reported as a rare cause of acute pancreatitis. Theories as to the mechanism of acute pancreatitis include microvascular ischaemia due ...
An elderly woman with metastatic breast cancer was admitted with hyperglycaemic hyperosmolar state (HHS) and an elevated haemoglobin A1C. For 1 week, she had experienced confusion, nausea and frequent ...
A 14-year-old boy was referred to the ophthalmology department with a 4-day history of rapid-onset right upper lid pain, swelling and erythema starting 9 hours after his first dose of COVID-19 mRNA ...
Guillain-Barré syndrome (GBS) is a rare immune-mediated disorder of the peripheral nerves. Although its cause is not fully understood, the syndrome often follows infection with a virus or bacteria, ...
We describe a case of an aggressive proximal humerus aneurysmal bone cyst (ABC) mimicking telangiectatic osteosarcoma with complete remodelling and reconstitution of the bone. A boy in middle ...
A young man in his late adolescence presented with a gradually progressive diminution of vision in both eyes for 3 years. A general physical examination revealed features suggestive of Marfan syndrome ...
Congenital fusion of jaws is a very rare disorder, with very few cases found in the literature, s since it was first reported 88 years ago. A case with type Id syngnathia with congenital bilateral ...
1 Department of Surgery and Oncology, Royal Liverpool University Hospital, Liverpool, UK 2 Department of Colorectal Surgery, Royal Liverpool University Hospital, Liverpool, UK 3 Department of ...
This case report details a case of probable seronegative autoimmune encephalitis (AE) secondary to either an ovarian teratoma or a uterine smooth muscle tumour of uncertain malignant potential (STUMP) ...
A thyroid storm (or thyroid crisis) is an emergency in endocrinology. It is a form of complication of hyperthyroidism that can be life-threatening. Inadequate control of hyperthyroidism in pregnancy ...