State and federal governments have declared a natural disaster in response to this week's extreme storms. Here's ...
IT's strange nothing seems to physically survive from the actual prize-winning Lake Macquarie cutter Rani. You might remember ...
Newcastle jockey Blake Spriggs was in critical condition and in an induced coma Saturday after falling from his horse at a Moruya race meeting on Friday.
WHEN Irish pop star Brian McFadden is asked to reflect back on his first visit to Australia, you can almost see his eyes ...
More than 12,000 people a year are hospitalised in Hunter New England due to being overweight or living with obesity.
A CAFE owner says a vicious assault on him is a sad part of life in his community at the moment, but he hopes change is ...
A new ambulance roster set to begin in the Hunter on Saturday has not been fully staffed, angering fatigued and frustrated ...
KING Street Hotel's stance warning prospective residential investors highlights a one-sided narrative that frames Newcastle's ...
Hanging up on a 20-minute phone conversation with Robert Irwin recently, it occurred to me that his famous father, Steve, ...
Olivia Higgins finds herself in a race against the fitness clock.
A Port Stephens wildlife park avoided disaster on Friday, which could have seen hundreds of sharks and rays destroyed.
The federal government has rejected an application to explore and potentially drill for gas off the Hunter coast.