Longtime Tehachapi resident and dedicated community volunteer Del Troy, a Tehachapi treasure, is turning 99 years old, and ...
Tehachapi Heritage League recognizes volunteers who have a birthday in the current month. Dinner is held at a local ...
After a long and sometimes contentious discussion, on a 3-2 vote at its Feb. 13 meeting, the Board of Directors of Bear ...
Concert for a Cause,” a joint effort of Rotary of Tehachapi and the Tehachapi Valley Recreation and Park District, raised at ...
Marlon Woodside took this photo of a Chukar (Alectoris chukar) as it was wandering on a wooden sidewalk at Calico Ghost Town.
The California Department of Water Resources began releasing water over the spillway at the Oroville Dam on Feb. 3, directors ...
Tehachapi City Manager Greg Garrett was slated to provide an update on the city during the Feb. 18 luncheon meeting of the ...
Police Dispatcher Robin Mathiasen was honored as Police Department’s Employee of the Quarter at the Feb. 18 meeting of the ...
At the CIF Central Section Masters Tournament this past week, the Lady Warriors had three athletes representing the town in ...
Approximately 15 rail cars came off the tracks near Caliente on Tuesday in a train derailment that left no injuries or ...
The Police Department recovered 36 of 39 vehicles stolen in the city last year, according to Police Chief Richard Standridge.
A new partnership intended to support innovation and entrepreneurship in eastern Kern announced the creation this week of a ...