Sign RFK Jr. Petition in Downtown Cincinnati! | Kennedy24
That's where you come in! Ohioans and Kentuckians alike, please drop by Deeper Roots Coffee in downtown Cincinnati (338 W. Fourth St.) between 2-4pm on Sunday, May 5 to sign a petition to get RFK Jr. on the Ballot. If you cannot meet at this time, but want to otherwise sign, please email Julia Castanet ( [email protected]) to coordinate.
RFK Walk the Waterfront | Kennedy24
Meet Up at the Key Bank parking lot on Bay Street. Walk the Waterfront to Kitsap Bank Port Orchard (about a quarter mile each way) and back. Wear your RFK gear, Red.White.Blue, or Purple. Bring signs if you have them! See you there!
Common Sense Weekly | Free Newsletter
Breaking news. Campaign updates. In your inbox. Declare Your Independence: Join the Movement to Elect RFK Jr. in 2024 Receive weekly updates from the heart of the Kennedy campaign. Stay informed on Robert F. Kennedy Jr.’s visionary policies, events near you, and ways to get involved.
Hawaii | Kennedy24
Whether you envision handing out fliers, knocking on doors, hosting a Kennedy Happy Hour, driving your RV to an event, serving as a social media ambassador, registering people to vote, teaching a yoga class to raise funds or making LED signs to light up your community at night, our campaign is waiting for you to make all the difference.
Mary Celletti | Team Kennedy
Recruiter URL Use this link to invite others to the campaign.
Northern Kentucky Volunteer Meeting | Kennedy24
Zoom meeting for Northern Kentucky Volunteers or anyone wanting to get involved! Hosted by a volunteer trying to get to know other volunteers and set up some signature events!
Ohio | Kennedy24
Whether you envision handing out fliers, knocking on doors, hosting a Kennedy Happy Hour, driving your RV to an event, serving as a social media ambassador, registering people to vote, teaching a yoga class to raise funds or making LED signs to light up your community at night, our campaign is waiting for you to make all the difference.
Mary Celletti | Team Kennedy
https://rfkjr.co/p/636396 DONATE THROUGH Mary JOIN THROUGH Mary SHARE PROFILE Login Press Jobs Affiliate Program Contact Us RFK Jr. Activate Mobile App
Common Sense Weekly | Free Newsletter
Declare Your Independence: Join the Movement to Elect RFK Jr. in 2024
Kentucky for Kennedy (5 Buttons) – Team Kennedy
Purchase of merchandise from Team Kennedy is considered a contribution to Team Kennedy. Law requires we ask for your employer and occupation. If you don't have an employer or are retired, put N/A, and if you are self-employed put "self …